Tampilkan Task Manager Yang Hilang

Never not a time when you want to stop a program that is running, probably because of crashes or will not diapa-apain but taks manager will not open and only the message "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" waah definitely really resentful of course. A message appears like this happen because there are several possibilities, it could be because your system is damaged and even sometimes the task manager there but hidden by the virus. Here's the trick I gave it back to bring up the Task Manager as usual:

     Click Start - Run
     Then type "REG add HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System / v DisableTaskMgr / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f"
     Without of course do not use quotation marks, and or just copy paste.
     Click OK

Or you can also use the following way.

     Click Start - Run
     type in gpedit.msc
     Click OK
     Meluncurlah to "User Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Ctrl + Alt + Delete Options / Remove Task Manager"
     Double-click the Remove Task Manager option
     Set to Not Configured

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